У статті обґрунтовано розробку педагогічної технології формування мотиваційного, емоційного, когнітивного, рефлексивного, діяльнісного компонентів професійної спрямованості особистості майбутнього вчителя іноземної мови, що сприяє розвитку когнітивних, комунікативних, професійно орієнтованих умінь і навичок, мовних компетенцій, ознайомлення з особливостями викладання фахових дисциплін, специфікою майбутньої професії.
Working out pedagogical technology of forming professional orientation of future foreign language teacher’s personality is grounded in the article. The aim of this technology is developing cognitive, communicative, professional-oriented skills and experiences, language competence, mastering the peculiarities of teaching special disciplines, specific features of future profession.
In the process of forming professional orientation of future foreign language teacher’s personality it is useful to put into practice the interaction, the synthesis, the complex of technologies of interactive teaching, the technology of cooperative learning, the personality-oriented technology, the technology of module and problem teaching, the technology of personal and professional development of future teachers.
In order to form professional model of future foreign language teacher during teaching the special discipline “English Lexicology” such kinds of exercises have been used which contain logical and subject connection between other disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle (e.g. Basics of Pedagogical Skill), special, methodological cycle (The Methodology of Teaching English Language in Schools, Country studies, English Language).
These exercises are peculiar instrument of teaching, the way of communication and control of knowledge, skills of future teachers. This instrument gives future teachers the opportunity to master the peculiarities of teaching one or another subject, specific features of future profession, meeting pupils, their needs, skills, experiences; helps to find out motivational connection and take an interest in any exercises which are the didactic ground for forming components of professional orientation of future foreign language teacher’s personality, such as: emotional, motivational, reflexive, cognitive, activity.