У статті запропонована методика, яка доповнює методологію педагогічного експерименту в частині статистичного аналізу його результатів через застосування балансового методу оцінки структурних (рівневих) зрушень у формуванні знань (умінь) учнів (студентів) навчальної групи.
В статье предложена методика, которая дополняет методологию педагогического эксперимента в части статистического анализа его результатов, благодаря использованию балансового метода оценки структурных (уровневых) сдвигов в формировании знаний (умений) учащихся (студентов) учебной группы.
In the article proposes a method that completes the methodology of pedagogical experiment in terms of the statistical analysis of the results by using the balance method of assessing structural (leveled) changes in the formation of students' knowledge (skills) in the educational group. Through this method it is possible a comprehensive analysis of "qualifying movement" of people from one level to another within a group that is an actual scientific problem improving the method of analysis of the results of pedagogical experiment. Into the basis of the methodology was laid the balance model similar to the model input-output by V.V. Leontyeva. The major conditions for its construction were a multi-scale assessment and initial data - the number of people who "moved" from one level of formation of knowledge (skills) to another. The synthesis of the model is possible because the educational group as the stable, balanced system that does not change the strength of, and changes only its level structure through pedagogical influence on her, and will be the number of persons "of those who left" and "arrived at level" to the extent that all groups are identical category. The performances were qualified and identified into the balance-billing matrix in the form of absolute and relative values of the structure and intensity. A new practice of the pedagogical experiment was proposed as a balance system indicator which named "a qualifying movement". The laws identified indicators which give us a reason to believe that the calculation methodology applied universal one that can be used throughout the pedagogical practice for the experimental analysis.