У статті розглядається проблема психолого-педагогічної сутності акмепрофесіогенезу освітянських кадрів як характеристики найвищих рівнів їх професійного розвитку та пропонується оригінальний підхід до виокремлення логічних етапів позитивної динаміки цього процесу за допомогою побудови конструкції ієрархічного ряду понять “педагогічна майстерність” – “педагогічна творчість” – педагогічний професіоналізм”.
The article focuses on the input of pedagogical staff in assuring efficient implementation of modernization tasks in educational field that causes significant shift in requirements to pedagogs as personalities and professionals as well as strengthens interest to dynamic indicators examination of pedagogical staff’ professional progress. The phenomenon of professional genesis within extensive psychological and pedagogical contexts delivers logical chains and rules of the processes of socialization and individualization of person in the profession, that are pushed by different external and internal factors. Promotive models of professional genesis aiming at self-determination – domination of internal incentives of professional growth seem as the most resultative. Under such treatment, professional and pedagogical progress of tutorial teacher is existing as non-breakable self-targeting of his personality, that can be divided in self-understanding, self-expression and selfimplementation parts being not straghtforwardly and spin-like interconnected. Individual route of the person to acmeo-levels of creativity, skillfulness and professionalism in pedagogical work has various unique aspects, therefore the tasks of structural and timing systematization of pedagogical professional genesis as well as establishing unterstanding of most common milestones of formation and growth of professional pedagogs are constantly examined by the researchers. According to determination of stages, levels and classes of professionalism by A.K.Markova, the research presents specific approach to defining logical dynamic phases of acmeoprofessional genesis of tutorial teacher by means of establishing structural subordination of the terms “pedagogical skillfulness” – “pedagogical creativity” – “pedagogical professionalism”.
В статье рассматривается проблема психолого-педагогической сущности акмепрофесссиогенеза работников образования как характеристики наивысших уровней их професссионального развития и предлагается оригинальный подход к выделению логических этапов позитивной динамики этого процесса с помощью построения конструкции иерархического ряда понять “педагогическое мастерство” – “педагогическое творчество” – педагогический професссионализм.