В статті представлено результати дослідження впливу застосування інтервального гіпоксичного тренування в
режимі 15-15 з диханням через систему в замкнутий простір на показник анаеробно-аеробної витривалості. Використання в
якості додаткового гіпоксичного тренування протягом етапу передзмагальної підготовки дозволило отримати достовірно
вищи результати як у загальному часі подолання дистанції 8,4 км (6 кіл по 1,4 км), так і у часі пробігання 4, 5 і 6 кіл (р<0,05-
The article presents the research results of influence of using the interval hypoxic training in the mode of 15-15 with breathing
through the system into a closed space on the indicator of anaerobic-aerobic endurance.
The pre-competitive stage of climbers training involves the achievements of special endurance of high level which is
achieved through using the effective means and methods of training and also using after training and after c ompetitive means
one of which is using an interval hypoxic training (IHT).
The most effective mode for the development of anaerobic functions of athletes is the mode of intermittent hypoxia 15-15. The
mode of intermittent hypoxia 30-30 is less effective but it can be used with taking into account the individual characteristics of an athlete's
body, the focus of training session preceding the period of preparation in a macrocycle for the development of an anaerobic working
capacity of an athlete's body and maintaining achieved level of anaerobic working capacity.
The development of an anaerobic-aerobic endurance is important for training loads that is the main basis in overcoming mountain
peaks against which other realization of other motor qualities are accomplished.
Using as an additional hypoxic training during the pre-training phase is allowed us to obtain more reliable results in terms of overall
time overcoming the distance of 8,4 km (6 circles per 1,4 km) and the time of running of 4,5 and 6 circles (p <0 , 05-0.01).