В статье исследована мотивация к занятиям физической культурой и спортом студентов соревновательно-
игровым методом, который является важным фактором физического воспитания в учебном процессе.
Определено, что единственной дисциплиной в условиях высшего учебного заведения, позволяющей одновременно
решать не только учебные и воспитательные, но и оздоровительные вопросы, является физическое воспитание.
В статті досліджена мотивація до занять фізичною культурою та спортом студентів за допомогою змагально
– ігрового метода, який є важливим фактором фізичного виховання.
Let us consider such means of increasing effectiveness of physical education as visual means as well as game and
competitional methods. All of them form a state which is the most adequate for mastering given kind of information; all of these
means at maximal grade use a principle and visible means of education. At the same time new means of teaching first of all must be
valeological means and their use do not harm health.
A physical culture and sport as social and cultural phenomenon we often compare with the term “game activities”. A game
is determined as certain kind of non productive activities without all – purpose and practical direction; this kind contains an aim itself.
At game activities two important factors are combined: on the one hand including at practical activities; physical development;
forming skill self – manner to act; on the other hand obtaining moral and esthetic entertainment from this activities.
E. Geller thinks that for changing a work and a holiday full participation of students at all games at the same time is not
expedient. A graduality of rising loads cannot be as standard but graduality has to vary at mild transitions of rising. Pedagogists at
detail consider a methodology of moving games for healthing people of all age groups; but it is a little literature about influence of
moving games on organism of non - healthing people as well as a little literature about a dosing of exercises at a work with such
people. At all cases we must knew that the more non – healthing a human the lower level of his mental and physical possibilities; an
approach must be more individual and mild as well as with insurance.