У дисертації представлено соціально-педагогічну технологію медіаторства як
технологію вирішення конфліктів між молодшими підлітками у загальноосвітній
школі. Запропоновано алгоритм соціально-педагогічної технології медіаторства у
вирішенні конфліктів між молодшими підлітками: діагностика проблеми, пошук
рішення, вибір технології, постановка мети і завдань, впровадження технології,
оцінювання вирішення проблеми та ефективності технології. Обґрунтовано соціально-
педагогічні умови реалізації даної технології: готовність спеціалістів психологічної
служби школи до використання технології, забезпечення участі молодших підлітків у її
здійсненні, організаційно-методичне забезпечення реалізації технології.
Експериментально перевірено та доведено ефективність даних умов.
В диссертации представлена социально-педагогическая технология медиаторства
как технология решения конфликтов между младшими подростками в
общеобразовательной школе. Предложен алгоритм социально-педагогической
технологии медиаторства в разрешении конфликтов между младшими подростками:
диагностика проблемы, поиск решения, выбор технологии, постановка целей и
заданий, внедрение технологии, оценка решения проблемы и эффективности
технологии. Обоснованно социально-педагогические условия реализации данной
технологии: готовность специалистов психологической службы школы к
использованию технологии, обеспечение участия младших подростков в ее
осуществлении, организационно-методическое обеспечение реализации технологии.
Экспериментально проверено и доказано эффективность данных условий.
In the dissertation theoretically grounded socio-pedagogical technology of mediation in
resolving conflicts between younger teenagers in secondary schools, revealed its contents,
organizational and procedural characteristics. The author described and developed algorithm
of socio-pedagogical technology of mediation in resolving conflicts between younger
Implemented socio-pedagogical technology of mediation in resolving conflicts between
younger teenagers in secondary schools, which includes the following steps: diagnostics of
problem, search for solutions and selection of technology, formulation the aim and tasks,
implementation technology (evaluation of resources, the possibilities of using technology,
training to work on technologies of mediation, work of coordinator with teenagers, training
mediators among younger teenagers, the implementation of peer mediation, support of pupils-
mediators), evaluation solve problems and efficiency of technology.
During pedagogical experiment has been implemented socio-pedagogical conditions of
socio-pedagogical technology of mediation in resolving conflicts between younger teenagers in secondary schools: readiness by specialists (social pedagogue or psychologist) of school
psychological service to use the technology of mediation, involving the young teenagers –
ensuring the participation of younger teenagers in the implementation of technology of
mediation, organizational and methodological support the implementation of technology of
mediation in resolving conflicts among younger teenagers.
Formed and tested diagnostic tools for research of professional readiness of specialists to
use socio-pedagogical technology of mediation, researching of the state of conflict in the
school among younger teenagers, evaluating the effectiveness of socio-pedagogical
technology of mediation in resolving conflicts between younger teenagers – the participants
of the educational process.
Results of the research confirmed that during the introduction of socio-pedagogical
technology of mediation in resolving conflicts among younger teenagers traced positive
dynamics in the reduction of destructive indicators in resolving conflicts. Increased level of
readiness of specialists to using technology of mediation. Among the pupils decreased
number and frequency of aggressive, violent and antisocial manifestations high level of
conflict is fell. Implementing socio-pedagogical technology of mediation in resolving
conflicts between younger teenagers in secondary school are effective and efficient.
By the author is clarified the next positions: the essence of concepts «Mediation»,
«Procedure of Mediation», «School Mediation», «Peer Mediation»; features of technology of
mediation as conflict resolution among younger teenagers; features of conflicts among young
teenagers, features of conflicts among younger teenagers.
Systematized materials for a training program for younger teenagers for their
involvement in the technology of mediation, the methodical seminar-training and practical
lessons is been developed for specialist of school psychological service, prepared Textbook
for students, been formed and approbated diagnostic tools for research of professional
readiness of specialists for use socio-pedagogical technology of mediation, study the state of
conflict in the school among younger teenagers, evaluating the effectiveness of socio-
pedagogical technology of mediation in resolving conflicts between younger teenagers –
participants of the educational process.
Further development got forms implementation in the educational environment of
technology of mediation as an instrument to resolve conflicts.