У статті в оперті на поєднання засад тілесно-міметичного методу аналізу художніх творів і топологічної рефлексії запропоновано на прикладі розгляду текстів, які певним чином репрезентують сучасну світову літературу, один з можливих варіантів екзегези кореляту ідентичності у контексті так званого антропологічного повороту.
The article focuses on the possibility to analyze different cultural literary phenomena using the following fiction texts for illustration, such as : «The Enchantress of Florence» S. Rushdie, «Muck» W. Kuczok, «1Q84» H. Murakami, «T» V. Pelevin, «The Museum of Innocence» O. Pamuk, «Lover» J. Wiњniewski, «Such» Y. Izdryk, «The Romantic Egoist» F. Beigbeder, «The Possibility of an Island» M. Houellebecq, «Collection of Passion, or Adventures of the Young Ukrainian Girl» N. Sniadanko, «Instead of Blood» S. Povalyaeva and «Second Body» M. Paviж.
The research goal is analytical surveys which concern content and forms of identity topos correlation represented in the selected literary works to analyze.
In the issue of the set goal the research methodology is determined by the author’s original corporal-mimetic method of textual analysis and topologic reflexion’s interaction within the framework of the so called anthropological turn.
Due to this, it has been proved that despite obvious content-poetical and cultural literary difference between Turkish and Polish, Ukrainian and English, Japanese and Russian or even two French authors their search for authentic identity by artistic means has much in common.
Thus, some authors base themselves or constructively use such anthropological phenomenon as reciprocity, in particular gift; the other part of artists see the basis of heroes’ identity in such merely anthropological phenomenon as monstrosity whereas few writers find it in aberrant parapraxia.
So, the suggested methodology and the obtained results of the research, firstly, prove their efficiency and, secondly, let us come to the conclusion that in the epoch of «lost simplicity» (U. Eco) writers have to use unexpected and paradoxical fictional means in order to renovate and identify even in an aberrant way what seems as if it could not be identified in any way and, thirdly, provide good reasons for fruitful prospect for further analytical analysis of convergence of different corporal-mimetic toposes in the works of modern world literature.