Приведено результати дослідження формування ряду характеристик особистості студентів-залізничників в процесі психологічної і психофізичної підготовки під час навчальних занять з фізичного виховання.
Приведены результаты исследования формирования ряда характеристик личности студентов-железнодорожников в процессе психологической и психофизической подготовки во время учебных занятий по физическому воспитанию.
In the study was set the aim to test the assumption that the implementation of the basis of the psychological and psycho-physical training of railway students in the process of physical education , which was developed by the author, has significantly positive effect on the formation of some vocational important factors of the individual of students of sport training and physical education. Use the components of psychological and psycho-physical training of railway students in the process of physical education that developed by the author was acted as an independent variable. Indicators of formation factors of personality (by R. Cattell) were considered as the dependent variable. Statistical zero hypothesis was advocated the assumption that the shift between individual performance factors of students in the experimental and control groups at the beginning and at the end of the study are not significantly different from zero. An alternative statistical hypothesis was the assumption that the shift between individual performance factors of students in the experimental and control groups at the beginning and at the end of the study are significantly different from zero. T- Student test for dependent samples was used for statistical analysis of the dates. The study hypothesis was confirmed that the implementation of the basis of psychological and psycho-physical training of railway students in the process of physical education has a significantly positive effect on the formation of personality factors of students in «emotional instability - emotional stability», «predisposition to feelings - high normative behavior», «self-confidence – anxiety», «low self-control - high self-control», «self-assessment of adequacy».