У статті порушені загальні питання щодо методологічного аналізу системи наукових підходів дослідження фахової підготовки майбутніх учителів музики. Аналізується теорія та специфіка виконавської діяльності майбутнього фахівця музичного мистецтва. Детально розглянуті системний, особистісно-орієнтований, акмеологічний підходи та їх значення у формуванні виконавської стабільності майбутнього вчителя музики.
The paper raises general questions on the methodological analysis of scientific approaches to study for future music teacher professional training. The problem of рerforming stability future music teacher involves choice and substantiation of scientific and methodological approaches that combine principles and methods of organizing and constructing theory and practice, and are based on interdisciplinary, organizational-pedagogical, social, socio-cultural and other aspects of artistic education. Analysis of the phenomenon performing stability of future music teachers executive activity in the process of professional training was carried out from the point of view of systemic, personally oriented, humanistic, activity and acmeological approaches, which belong to the fundamental approaches of general scientific methodology. Theoretical and methodological principles of future teacher training determine the direction of educational process to find the content of artistic-pedagogical and musical activity, attitude to the profession, self-knowledge and self-improvement, development of the specialist personality, his general culture. The personality of music teacher, his individuality, manifests itself in the development of aesthetic and artistic and pedagogical thinking. Achievement of artistic and pedagogical level is determined by many factors, such as: the purpose and content of preparation for future activities, the goals of the personality and the conditions for professional development of the person.