Стаття присвячена висвітленню існуючих підходів і концепцій, в контексті яких розкривається феномен художньо-творчого потенціалу; окресленню компонентних блоків художньо-творчого потенціалу бакалавра музичного мистецтва; аналізу сучасних
досліджень у галузі методики навчання музики, які стосуються практичних проблем потенційної сфери студентів.
Статья освещает существующие подходы и концепции, в контексте которых раскрывается феномен художественно-творческого потенциала; компонентные блоки художественно-творческого потенциала бакалавра музыкального искусства; анализ
современных исследований в области методики обучения музыке, которые касаются практических проблем потенциальной сферы студентов.
One of the key factors that contributes to the creation of harmonious relations between the person and the world is the formation of artistic and creative potential of the person. In the course of this process artistic and creative work of the person is activated and the potential of his/her inner world is realized to the maximum. The problem of artistic and creative potential formation in terms of the higher educational institution is complex and combines several aspects: personality and creative
work; personality as an integrated system, the nature and value of artistic and creative potential of the personality in the process of his/her formation and development; peculiarities of the formation of
artistic and creative potential of music bachelors in the context of higher educational institution. The basis of the problem of artistic and creative potential formation of the personality is considered to be the position of cultural, axiological, acmeological, personal, active, creative and
systematic approaches; conclusions of philosophy, psychology, aesthetics on the dialectal relationship of content and form; unity of consciousness and activities, potential and actual development of the personality, correlation of rational, emotional, sensual, individual, special and others. Analysis of scientific literature allowed to single out components of artistic and creative potential of music bachelors:
epistemological (system of knowledge, skills, ideas, outlook,
cognitive abilities);
axiological (system of goals, values and attitudes, social and
psychological mind sets);
creative (the ability to create, discover something new, act in
original way);
communicative (communicative skills, comprehension and
understanding, ability to master communication, communicative
artistic (system of artistic and aesthetic requirements, forms and ways
of their satisfaction);
professional (correspondence of orientation, aptitudes, occupational
preferences of the corresponding type of personality, level of
professional motivation).