У статті узагальнено зміст поняття «мультимедійні технології», розглянуто деякі види мультимедійних технологій та обґрунтовано доцільність їх використання у формуванні музично-педагогічної компетентності майбутніх фахівців як засобу інтенсифікації цього
В статье обобщено содержание понятия «мультимедийные технологии», рассмотрены некоторые виды мультимедийных технологий и обоснована целесообразность их использования
в формировании музыкально-педагогической компетентности будущих специалистов как способа интенсификации этого процесса.
In the article generalized maintenance of concept «multimedia technologies», some types of multimedia technologies and grounded expedience of their use are considered of forming of musical
pedagogical competence of future specialists as to the mean of intensification of this process.For arrangement of plenty of information of different quality in necessary educational aims, necessary
development of the special the Internet of the programs. Popular the types of educational Internet resources are consider the followings: hot-list, multimedia scrapbook, treasure hunt, subject sampler
and web-quest. For example, «hot-list» (a list is after a theme) is a list the Internet of site after a theme which is studied.It is enough to enter a keyword a student in the searching system, and to get is needed
hot-list. A next internet-resource of «Multimedia scrapbook» (multimedia rough copy) is collection of multimedia resources. In comparison from hot-list he includes reference to the text files, audio programs, video klipi, and others like that.All files of this resource can used as informative and illustrative material during the prosecution of theme from discipline “Theory and method of musical education of children”. Next resource – it has a task of «Treasure hunt» (hunt is on treasures)
germination from hot-list I multimedia scrapbook, however differs that every reference is contained by a question after materials of site which promotes searching-cognitive to activity of students.«Subject of
sampler» is directed on debatable themes, utterances of own point of view. «Web-quest» (Internetproject) of –problem task with the elements of rolevoy game which is executed for help the Internet of resources (audio- and video). The subject of problem tasks of web-quests is various and has a different degree of complication.