У статті розглядається проблема оптимізації підготовки студента до роботи з хором із застосуванням комплексу стратегій евристичної діяльності. Представлена методика використання евристичних стратегій спрямована на формування системного творчого мислення студента, активізацію інтелектуально-пошукових механізмів, орієнтованих на вибір творчої дії для реалізації власної інтерпретації художнього образу мистецьких творів у процесі роботи з навчальним хоровим колективом.
В статье рассматривается проблема оптимизации подготовки студента к работе с хором с применением комплекса стратегий эвристической деятельности. Представленная методика использования эвристических стратегий направлена на формирование системного творческого мышления студента, активизацию интеллектуально-поисковых механизмов, ориентированных на выбор творческого действия для реализации оригинальной интерпретации художественного образа хорових произведений в процессе работы с учебным хоровым коллективом.
Prospects for the development of education in Ukraine are developing activity- vector arts education to enhance the creative thinking of students to gain experience productive activities aimed at achieving the original artistic results. Therefore, conducting and choral training future
teachers requires adaptation and incorporation of innovative technologies, including heuristic strategies as a process of purposeful creativity to form productive creative thinking of students that
would ensure autonomy in designing and planning their own variant of conducting and choral activities in the process of training choirs. Rationale for the specific user of heuristic strategies with the preparation of students to work with the choir requires a thorough understanding of heuristic activity as a component of creativity, as the internal structure of the individual, which is determined by the ideas that you need
to comprehend and learn "from idea through ideas to ideas" (for S.Hohotskym ), as a mechanism for intellectual and search operations. This setting is found in the ability to heuristic way of thinking, to define the creative purpose-developed intuition, artistic imagination, "openness" to new methods and content knowledge , thea bility to not only adapt to the new, but also to create his work himself. So acquires heuristic aspect and can be an essential part of preparing students to work with a chorus using heuristic strategies. This article addresses the problem of optimizing prepare students to work with a chorus
using complex strategies heuristic activity. The method is directly related to intuition and creativity, allowing you to consciously move away from clichés, organize creative process in new ways to modernize intelligence and previous artistic experience to the students to choose creative activities to implement their own interpretation of the art image works of art in the process of learning choirs, perform variadic search new ways to solve the choir conductor tasks.