У статті розглядається проблема професійної підготовки музиканта-педагога. Подано визначення дослідників на поняття “артистизм”, виявляються особливості педагогічного артистизму та визначаються спільні риси творчої діяльності диригента та актора. Обґрунтовано важливість вироблення артистичних умінь на заняттях диригування
та хорового класу, вказано шляхи формування педагогічного артистизму. Визначено, що образна уява є одним з головних складників формування акторської майстерності диригента-хормейстера.
В статье рассматриваются вопросы профессиональной подготовки музыканта-педагога. Дано определение исследователей на понятие “артистизм”, выявляются особенности педагогического артистизма и определяются общие черты творческой деятельности дирижера и актера. Обусловлена важность наработки артистических
умений на занятиях дирижирования и хорового класса, указано пути формирования педагогического артистизма. Определено, что образное воображение есть одним из главных слагаемых формирования актерского мастерства дирижера-хормейстера.
Pedagogical artistry as important factor in the cultural and educational space of the training of musician educational specialist. The question of professional training of musician educational specialist, able to create,
stays among the problems of modern pedagogical science. The level of education and up-bringing depends on the fact if a teacher takes into account the demands of modern society. The necessity of
investigation of personal aspects of teaching activity is caused by the orientation of education to the forming of human position of the teacher to be. High professional demands to the teacher’s personality raised the necessity to form creative personality, development of individual style of the activity. So, the teacher has a task to express feelings vividly and convincingly, skillfully combine figurative and logical thinking, develop pedagogical intuition, become proficient in pedagogical optimism. The aim of the article is to throw light on peculiarities of pedagogical artistry and to explain its influence on the quality of conductor-choir training of musician educational specialist. In pedagogical science there is no doubt that a teacher of any specialty needs artistry, but it is reflected in the activity of musician educational specialist to the greatest degree. The subject of actor skill in pedagogical work is very actual, because the training of the teacher to be of Music at the conductor-choir lessons (“Conducting”, “Choir class”) is the original laboratory of the
student’s practical work. The teacher to be learns to set psychological contact with performers, guide communication of singers with listeners, adjust choir sounding. And the most important task at these lessons is the work out artistry skills. Working with choir group, a conductor has to make creative atmosphere in the group, hold own emotional state while communicating with the choir, and psychologically dispose the singers before the performance. The teacher, who has already possessed pedagogical artistry, is sure both in oneself and in the importance of the activity. So, possessing the elements of pedagogical artistry improves the training of musician-educational specialist to be, developing creative and professional skills.