У статті розглянуто специфіку науково-дослідницької діяльності викладачів вищих навчальних
закладів України у другій половині ХХ століття (1960-1990 рр.). Визначено функції науково-дослідної діяльності з позицій діяльнісного підходу.
Among principle problems in the practice of institute the main one is in organizing the research work of
lecturers. Research work is a part of the educational process that covers different activities: focusing on a certain
profession, the implementation of measures to admission to the institution, the training and education of students, the
creation of material and technological basis, realization of diverse purposeful work with teacher staff. The article
considers the specifics of the research activities of teachers of higher educational institutions of Ukraine in the second
half of the twentieth century (1960-1990). The functions of research activity are defined with the help of activity
approach. One of the crucial problems that the pedagogical education and science intend to solve in the 60-90 years of
XX century is their development trends in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Among the numerous problems of
the studied period, the most important one is the development of the national education system; because of it the
process of mastering the achievements of national and world science is conducted. The period of the second half of the
twentieth century posed challenges for teachers of republics in the field of pedagogical science, which are in the solution
of such important social and educational problems as determining the content and scope of education for students of the
Soviet school, formation of a scientific outlook, combination of training and education in a single pedagogical process,
determination of the educational value of particular subjects, social environment and the family in the education of
children and youth, the improvement of extracurricular activities with students, work of pioneer and Komsomol
organizations in school, training and retraining of teachers and others.