У даній статті розглядаються особливості методичної підготовки майбутніх вчителів фізичної
культури для проведення занять із спортивних ігор.
The article deals with the peculiarities of methodic education of
future physical training teachers in promoting sports games. The system of formation of Ukraine is in such state that
dissatisfies the requirements of the state to the level of preparation of pedagogical workers. A crisis in educational
industry showed up in disparity of knowledge of graduating students of INSTITUTION of higher learning to the public
necessities, world standards, interests of personality. It is about the synthesis of national traditions of pedagogics,
science, education.
It is needed to distinguish three stages of process of preparation of specialists from a physical culture to organization of
sport games: under professional, base professional (institution of higher learning) and the stage of professional
perfection. Each of the stages has the tasks, maintenance, methods and specific forms of organization, the primary
purpose of that is preparation of highly skilled specialists, achievement by them high level of professional activity in P.E
of schoolchildren. In addition, each of the stages in the system of preparation of teachers of physical culture has a row of
contradictions that negatively influence on the level of professional and methodical preparation. The decision of this
problem, indisputably, depends on development of scientifically reasonable to maintenance, methods and forms of
orientation on the profession of teacher of physical culture and their input in practice of P.E of schoolchildren. To that
end it is possible to carry out diagnostics of professional fitness of schoolchildren to pedagogical activity in industry of
P.E and sport, to develop flairs of students, explain the choice of this profession, developing the valued ideas about a
future profession. It is important to create positive terms for further development of the first pedagogical capabilities,
using acquisition of pedagogical science and practices.