У статті розглядається проблема формування толерантності майбутнього вчителя. Висвітлено та проаналізовано важливість виховання толерантності та необхідність формування толерантності майбутніх педагогів загальноосвітньої школи як їх професійну якість. Визначено основні ідеї освітньої стратегії формування толерантності та доведено, що виконання педагогами деяких зазначених принципів дозволяє реалізувати ці ідеї освітньої стратегії. Визначено симптоми нетерпимості педагога по відношенню до дитини.
The problem of future teachers tolerance is considered. This article deals with the significance study of education and the need for future secondary school teachers tolerance as their professional quality. The basic idea of educational strategies for promoting tolerance is analyzed and proved that the teachers performance in some of these principles for realization of educational strategies. Symptoms of teacher illiberalism towards the child are defined.
Tolerance as a capacity for such interaction has the particular importance because it is the socio-cultural need and value system, allowing society to exist. While studying in a secondary school, a person creates and develops necessary tolerance system which deals with the rules and norms of behavior in the society. The school teacher who organizes the learning of the students provides the personal experience, consciously and unconscious pressure for dynamics of tolerance student. Problem tolerance teacher in the process of democratization and humanization of the school has the important topicality as to improve the educational process for a new level it will be impossible without a high level of professional education by using practice for the social contract of society.
Scientific achievement has been shown that the task-oriented organized process of individual education is based on different pedagogical grounds. It would be also noted the existing paradigm of pedagogical education in different problems level related to tolerance development and the creation of tolerant environment, although these terms are not specified, but they are oriented on the individual. The tolerance problem is extremely topicality to any historical period.
Only tolerant teacher can bring up a child and tolerance problem of future teachers is important.