У статті розглядається проблема шляхів впровадження та використання інноваційних методів навчання англійської мови як другої іноземної у вищій школі. Проаналізовано ефективність та роль новітніх засобів у підвищенні мовної компетенції студентів. Розглянуто нові форми роботи та доцільність їх використання під час навчання іноземної мови, що ефективно використовуються для вивчення англійської мови в вищих навчальних закладах та окреслено перспективи виникнення нових методів навчання.
Nowadays the importance of education constantly rises. For achievement the mastery knowledge of English the teacher has to know the new methods of teaching, special educational techniques for choosing efficient forms of work with students according their interests, knowledge for having a concern in learning English.
Different aspects of innovations have been discovered by many scientists since 50th XX c.. O. Arlamov, N. Amiragova, O. Voznyik, L. Glushokpayed their attention to the theoretical importance of the introduction of innovative methods.
The aim of this article is describing the usage of innovative methods of education and the most useful ways of their applying.
Today the reformation of educational process lasts at the high school. The educational technologies are changed too. The educational system of foreign languages, which was set up in XX c., does not accommodate requests of the modern system of education. Because of this it is always added by the pedagogical technologies and innovations.
The main task of English teaching is to develop the communicative competence of students. As one of the major target of the English language learning is the fluent speaking without language barriers. There a great amount of non-standart methods and forms of work. The most efficient are individual, pair, group and team work. The pair and group work are more common:
pair-interviews etc.
The methods of eidotechniques gets popularity more and more.
To sum up for getting the best results in English education the teacher should be creative and interested in getting new information about the innovative methods of the English language education.