У статті розглядається проблема осучаснення професійної діяльності методиста-дорадника у галузі освіти. Особливої актуальності та визначального значення у системі професійної підготовки майбутніх викладачів загальнопедагогічних дисциплін та дорадників освітньої сфери набувають дисципліни, що забезпечують професійну та практичну підготовку, зокрема методика викладання загальнопедагогічних дисциплін, яка як галузь наукових знань перебуває на початковому етапі свого розвитку. Автором проаналізовано структуру названої навчальної дисципліни та визначено її місце та роль у системіпідготовки консультанта з дорадництва у сфері освіти, методиста, викладача загальнопедагогічних дисциплін.
The problem of modernizing of professional activity of a methodologist-counselor in education is considered in this article. Of particular relevance and importance in determining the system of professional training of future teachers of general pedagogical subjects and educational sector advisors take courses that provide professional and practical training, including methods of teaching of general pedagogical subjects, which as a branch of scientific knowledge is at an early stage of development. Training of the consultant in extension education, practitioner, teacher of general pedagogical subjects due to the need immediate compliance trends of democratization and humanization of modern educational environment, implementation-centered pedagogical innovations, effective psychological and pedagogical support personal and professional development subjects of educational process and so on.
Methods of teaching of general pedagogical subjects is required in the preparation of future counselors educational sphere as preparing future professionals to perform various professional functions (counseling, prevention, guidance, correcting, etc.).
Methodological skills are needed for master’s in extension for scientific and educational activities for educational and pedagogical work as consultant extension education, methodologist should be ready for the organization and holding of seminars, training sessions, lectures, discussions, talks for parents students, youth, educators and the public.
The author has analyzed the structure of the course and its place and role in the system of advisory consultant in education, practitioner, teacher of general pedagogical subjects. It was found that a training course «Methods of teaching of general pedagogical subjects» is an important component in the system of advisory consultant in education, practitioner, teacher of general pedagogical subjects as combining both theory and practice, producing a future professionals the necessary knowledge, and skills that are key to future professional activities and providing a high level of professional competence to perform their professional duties in constant, intense changes taking place in modern society.