У статті висвітлено основні ідеї психоаналізу щодо психолого-педагогічної практики виховання дітей. Охарактеризовано важливі аспекти розвитку дитячої сексуальності у ранньому віці. Проаналізовано психоаналітичні підходи до виховання у спадщині психоаналітика і педагога В.Ф. Шмідт. Наведено основні педагогічні вимоги щодо правильного статевого виховання дітей для їх подальшого здорового розвитку та життя в суспільстві.
The article elaborates on the main ideas of psychoanalysis related to psychological and pedagogical practice of children’s education. The psychoanalytical approaches to education in the heritage of the psychoanalyst and pedagogue V.F. Shmidt are analyzed. Her academic views to the manifestations of the children’s sexuality are clarified, which [the manifestations] are the basis for creation of the educational process in such a way when a normal and healthy child development would be provided. The main pedagogical requirements to the organization of educational process are presented. The organization of the educational process will lead to gradual sublimation of the child’s sexuality and its main part will be transferred to more cultural and socially valuable forms, and the other part (until the time of pubescence) – to the sexual energy of an adult. The important aspects of development of the children’s sexuality in the young age are characterized. It is proved that the serious attitude of pedagogues and educators to the sexual education provides for more possibilities to children to cope with their avocations. The quiet attitude to the manifestations of the children’s sexuality and creation of proper conditions contributes to their full development, and the proper sexual education of children enables their further healthy development and life in society.