У статті здійснено короткий аналіз процесу становлення проблеми національного самоствердження особистості у вітчизняній педагогічній думці та визначення впливу української еліти на національне самоствердження особистості та рідного народу на різних етапах становлення української нації. Визначено, що українська еліта значну увагу приділяла питанню національного виховання памолоді як важливої умови національного самоствердження особистості та як потужний вплив на націєтворення та становлення української державності.
Under present conditions the problem of national self-assertion education of rising generation is actual and in the context of the abovementioned problem the question of combining the two approaches in the education of the individual, taking into account the interests of the individual and the state, and finding ways of optimal solutions arises.
The purpose of this article is the analysis of the formation process of the national self-assertion of the individual problem and determine the impact and contribution of the Ukrainian elite to national self-assertion of the individual and his people at different stages of the Ukrainian nation formation in the history of national educational thought and in modern scientific studies.
We concluded that national self-assertion of the individual should be considered as an integrative social and moral value, which manifests itself in recognizing himself as a member of the nation, is characterized by respect to all ethnic groups, which make the Ukrainian people, and devotion to the Ukrainian state, the people and the desire for moral improvement, willingness to solidary uphold the independence and integrity of the state, is determined by skills to competently promote the development of Ukraine as a nation-state.
A brief analysis of national self identity problem formation in the national educational thought demonstrated that actualization of this questions was raised by public figures, coryphaei of national pedagogy in different periods of the history of Ukraine and the present, and exactly in pursuit of national self-assertion they saw a powerful force which is able to bring their people from cultural backwardness to the level of a civilized nation.
The submitted material does not exhaust the whole issue, it requires further study, including possible development of conceptual and programmatic principles of national self-assertion education in the younger generation.