Стаття присвячена розглядові поглядів українських освітян Буковини кінця ХІХ – першої третини ХХ століття на проблеми суспільної опіки, виховання й освіти дітей та молоді. Педагоги (І.Герасимович, І.Карбулицький, О.Попович та ін.) у своїх статтях підкреслювали взаємозв’язок сімейного й суспільного виховання; важливість підтримки та турботи про дітей як найбільш незахищеної категорії населення; розробляли проекти удосконалення діяльності державних та громадських освітньо-виховних закладів (шкіл, бурс).
The article examines the attitude of Bukovinian Ukrainian educators to the problems of social care, upbringing and education of children and youth from the end of the 19th to the first third of the 20th century. In the papers of such pedagogues as (I.Herasymovych, I.Karbulytsky, O.Popovych etc.) the relationship between family and public education and importance of maintaining and caring for children as the most unprotected category of the population have been emphasized; projects for improvement of state and public educational institutions (schools, any educational institution, preschool establishments - "zahoronky") activities have been developed.
In particular, O.Popovych supported family care for orphans, emphasizing the role of the family in developing the child's personality. He united family, social and school education, recommended to use actively the achievements of Ukrainian folk pedagogy. I.Herasymovych believed that children who have health problems and children from low-income families are those categories which need to have social care and education. The researcher linked occurrence of deviations in the behavior of children with problems of family relationships and the overall morality of society. He outlined the main characteristics and problems of the child development at each age group, suggested the content and types of educational work with each category of children. I.Karbulytsky assured that education of a girl who will be the future mother is the key to the further formation of the personality of her children. The school and teachers, as he wrote, must specify for the common people the path to education, morality and ideological beliefs. In the inheritance of Bukovinian educators the problem of social care is inextricably linked to the issue of the national consciousness of Ukrainian children, their national dignity and pride for their homeland.