У статті розглядаються теоретичні аспекти дослідження структури такого поняття як «міжкультурна компетентність» та розкриття змісту її структурних компонентів (когнітивного, культурологічного, мотиваційного) через систему змістовних характеристик (компетенцій), що визначають предметний та функціональний зміст міжкультурної компетентності викладача іноземної мови. Зміст міжкультурної компетентності викладача іноземної мови зумовлюється розвитком у нього сукупності професійно важливих та особистісних якостей і характеристик та має функціональні прояви.
The article deals with theoretical aspects of the study of basic structural elements of "intercultural competence" and disclosure of the content of the main structural components: cognitive, cultural, motivational which is revealed through meaningful characteristics (competencies) that define the objective function and meaning of intercultural competence of the foreign languages lecturer.
The content of the cognitive component is characterized by a set of competencies (didactic, linguistic, informational, socio-psychological, cultural speech, methodological), which represent the linguistic knowledge and skills; professional psychological and pedagogical knowledge; professional knowledge, pedagogical knowledge of the ways of communication, psychological characteristics of students, their own self-knowledge and their own activities; projective, information and organizational skills, ability to design and organize their own professional activities.
The content of the cultural component is detailed by competencies (social, lingvo-countrystudying, communicative, social and cultural, competence of cultural exchange), providing orientation in the socio-cultural and cross-cultural spheres, understanding of cultural, social and political events in Ukraine and other countries, the ability to engage in dialogue as a way of relating to culture and society and the ability to compare their own culture with other cultures and to use the knowledge and skills in their professional activities.
The content of the motivational component is characterized by a motivational flexibility, availability of motivation achievement, professional orientation and self-realization, sustainable motivation for self-development of cross-cultural knowledge and skills aimed at business and professional communication with foreign partners, communicators.
Intercultural competence is one of the most important characteristics of the highly qualified foreign languages lecturer, his professional competence.