Актуалізовано проблему підвищення якості підготовки майбутніх учителів мистецьких дисциплін у контексті парадигмальних змін у системі сучасної мистецької освіти. На основі методів теоретичного аналізу, узагальнення, абстрагування обґрунтовано авторську позицію щодо реалізації культурної ідентичності студентів у процесі мистецького спілкування з представниками інших культур.
The article presents the problem of improving the quality of training of future teachers of art disciplines in the context of paradigmatic changes in the system of modern art education. The article presents the phenomenology of communication in the artistic and educational perspective as a vector of humanistic orientation of the subjects of interaction with art to the awareness and correction of their own subjective development. The worldview positions of researchers related to the ontological content of intercultural communication on the basis of art comprehension are highlighted. It is emphasised that it is possible to master the culture of artistic and pedagogical interaction with representatives of other cultures through the analysis of the experience of applying the current pedagogical knowledge about the value of art and culture of other peoples in the process of initiating one's own artistic and communicative activities.
It is important for the formation of the experience of intercultural communication of the future music teacher to take into account their own emotional and sensory, lived and reflectively recorded experience, the ability to plan, evaluate and implement intercultural dialogue; the ability to identify culturally; the ability to artfully operate with the communicative thesaurus in the process of intercultural communication; the ability to establish an equal artistic dialogue in an intercultural context. The author's vision of the formation of this phenomenon is presented. According to the author's position, intercultural communication as a form of cultural activity of students of art faculties involves taking into account individual, personal, socio-cultural characteristics and the real state of formation of the future music teacher's intercultural communication experience. The phenomenon of intercultural communication in a multicultural artistic and educational space is interpreted as a pedagogical process that is a structural component of the holistic, systematic professional training of future specialists. This process is aimed at understanding the importance of constructing a multicultural educational space of higher art education institutions on the basis of ethnic tolerance, the ability to implement culturally relevant means of teaching art; development of personal qualities and artistic values of students as mediators of dialogue of cultures. The multicultural educational space is characterised as a spatial and subject area of interaction between the subjects of the educational process, which is constructed taking into account the invariance of universal (planetary) values in combination with the variability of cultural intentions (ethno cultural worldview, culturally determined interpersonal patterns). The author's position is substantiated that the modern model of intercultural dialogue should be based on the national Ukrainian heritage in the field of musical art, scientific achievements of art education, which allows students not only to form a national consciousness and a sense of belonging to their national culture, but also to understand its connection with world cultural achievements, to comprehend the need for tolerant attitude towards representatives of other cultures.