Розглянуто питання формування мотивації студентів до здоров’язберігаючої діяльності. Охарактеризовано такі мотиви, як: оздоровчий, соціальний, повинності, особистісний, наслідування, спортивний, процесуальний, розважальний, естетичний. З’ясовано взаємозв'язок між бальною оцінкою фізичного здоров'я та рангової оцінкою мотивів студентів. Зазначено, що впливаючи на ієрархію мотивів студентської молоді, можна підвищити обсяг рухової активності та показники здоров'я. Доведено актуальність і доцільність обраної проблеми дослідження.
The question of the formation of healthy students' motivation to work. The characteristic motifs such as: health, social service, personal, imitation, sports, procedural, entertainment, aesthetic. It was found correlation between scoring and physical health assessment motives rank students. Indicated that the hierarchy of motives influencing students can increase the amount of motor activity and health indicators. One of the main goals of modern society is to provide the full development of children and youth, health promotion and strengthening, formation of the physical abilities of individual, need to exercise regularly. Constant attention during the training of future teachers of physical education should be paid to increasing the motivation of students for continuous self-education; the formation of cognitive interests and stimulate the active vital position of personality. For the first time the specification of correlation between students motivation with their motion activity level and physical health index was defined; the complex of organizational educational activities was described, with are directed to forming of students’ motivation for motion activity in the process of physical education the model of the step-by-step students’ motivation for motion activity is developed and tested and main directions for its implementation in high school are defined; the reasons for students’ and teachers’ unsatisfaction with the physical education process are expanded. The current approaches for the motivation for motion activity were expanded on the basis of theoretical and comparative analysis of motivation theories. The urgency and feasibility of selected research problems.