У статті готовність майбутнього фахівця з фізичного виховання та спорту до рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності розглядається як інтегративна особистісна якість, яка визначає стан особистості суб’єкта і включає мотиваційно-ціннісне ставлення до цієї діяльності, систему професійно орієнтованих знань, умінь та навичок, що дозволяють продуктивно їх використовувати при вирішенні професійних завдань. У структурі готовності майбутнього фахівця фізичного виховання та спорту до рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності автором виокремлено такі структурні компоненти: мотиваційний, когнітивний, емоційно-вольовий та особистісний.
The paper considers the preparedness of prospective physical education and sports specialists engaged in recreation and health-related activities as integral personal quality, which defines the state of an individual and includes motivational attitude to the mentioned activities, system of profession-oriented knowledge and skills that allow their effective application while solving professional problems. The author paid attention to the following structural components as motivational, cognitive, emotional and personal ones during the process of training of prospective physical education and sports specialists engaged in recreation and health-related activities. Motivational component reflects the students’ attitude to the health-related activity as the main domain of their further activity, focusing on the chosen activity. This component includes the will to health-related activity, interest in working out health-related technologies, comprehension of value of basic knowledge transferred into new conditions as the ground for health-related activity, wish to be independent designing a model of health-related activities as the means of professional self-affirmation and self-actualization, admiration and determination to self-education in the field of chosen specialty: confidence of necessity to gain health-related activity skills for successful professional work. Cognitive component reflects comprehension of physical recreation principles, means of physical recreation activities, theoretical grounds for health-related activities and comprehension of their application into the process of modeling of objects in the field of physical education and sport, integration of basic knowledge into new conditions while solving creative tasks as for working out the means of recreational and health-related activities. Emotional component reflects subjective value of the profession; personal responsibility for the professional activity before clients and employers; confidence in successful solving of professional tasks. Personal component reflects the integrity of personal and professional characteristics of prospective specialist in the field of physical education and sport that can be realized in his/her ability successfully and effectively provide recreational and health-related activities aimed to solving professional tasks.