У статті здійснено теоретико-критичний аналіз навчальної програми з фізичної культури для учнів молодшої школи, зокрема варіативного модулю «гімнастика». Науково обґрунтовано, зміст, засоби, форми та методи організації й проведення занять гімнастикою в освітньому процесі молодших школярів. Згідно даних літературних джерел та особистих результатів практичного досвіду визначено процес оптимізації фізичного виховання молодших школярів у процесі позаурочних фізкультурно-оздоровчих форм занять. Висвітлено особливості, специфіку й методику занять гімнастикою з молодшими школярами як на уроках фізичної культури, так і в режимі навчального дня (гімнастика до занять, фізкультурні паузи, проведення рухливих перерв).
Raising this problem, it is established that the content of the subject "Physical Culture" in primary school is motor activity with a general developmental orientation. It is aimed at the formation of students' key competencies: social (ability to cooperate, mutual understanding, social activity, the formation of physical culture of the individual, the foundations of a healthy lifestyle); motivational (formation of personal ideas about the prestige of a high level of health and physical fitness, ability to learn, creative approach to the use of motor actions in different conditions) and functional (ability to operate with knowledge of motor activity, knowledge of physical culture and sports, expansion motor experience in order to develop physical qualities and natural abilities in accordance with age, mastery of terminological and methodological competencies), which reflect a number of requirements for physical activity, which is gradually expanding and improving. In the given work the theoretical and critical analysis of the curriculum on physical culture for pupils of elementary school, in particular the variable module "gymnastics" is carried out. With the help of gymnastic exercises, the tasks of comprehensive physical development of students, strengthening their health, mastering natural and special motor skills and development of motor skills are solved. Gymnastic exercises are included in the content of all major forms of physical education in school. They are the most important part of the content of physical education lessons, educational and health-improving activities during the school day, extracurricular activities, sports and health holidays and competitions, mass sports and gymnastics performances, etc. Peculiarities, specifics and methods of gymnastics classes with junior schoolchildren both in physical education lessons and in the mode of the school day (gymnastics before classes, physical pauses, moving breaks) are covered. According to the data of literature sources and personal results of practical experience, the process of optimization of physical education of junior schoolchildren by means of gymnastics in the process of extracurricular physical culture and health classes is determined. The content, means, forms and methods of organizing and conducting gymnastics classes in the educational process of junior schoolchildren are scientifically substantiated.