В статье теоретически обоснована роль меню как главного фактора в тренировочном процессе высококвалифицированных спортсменов. А так же, определены его основные направления по составлению. Огромный объем тренировок делает очень сложной организацию не только режима питания в течение тренировочного дня, но и составляющего его по количеству и качеству меню. Хорошо спланированное меню, в свою очередь, является основой в повышении работоспособности спортсмена. Спортсмен, который соблюдает сбалансированную диету, в том числе по количеству калорий, легче адаптируется к физическим и психическим нагрузкам.
У статті теоретично обґрунтовано роль меню як одного з першорядных чинників в тренувальному процесі висококваліфікованих спортсменів. А також, визначено його головні напрямки по складанню. Величезний обсяг тренувань робить дуже складною організацію не тільки режиму харчування протягом тренувального дня, але і становить його складову за кількістю і якістю меню. Добре сплановане меню в свою чергу є основою в підвищенні працездатності спортсмена. Спортсмен, який дотримується збалансованої дієти, в тому числі за кількістю калорій, легше адаптується до фізичних і психічних навантажень.
The article theoretically substantiates the role of the menu as the primary factor in the training process of highly qualified athletes. The main directions for compiling the menu are determined. Brief characteristics of the nutrients needed to create a daily diet are given, taking into account their characteristics. The introduction of two- and three-time training has significantly changed the diet of highly qualified athletes, and the improvement of training methods has led to a significant increase in the energy costs of the body. A huge amount of training makes organizing very difficult, not only the diet during the training day, but also its component in the quantity and quality of the menu. A well-planned menu, in turn, is the basis for increasing the athlete's performance. An athlete who follows a balanced diet, including the number of calories, is easier to adapt to physical and mental stress. How to balance nutrition so that, without increasing the volume of food, the athlete’s body can be maximally satisfied in energy and nutrients when preparing the menu. Since after measuring the amount in a calorimeter, the heat generated by a person, which translates into “burned” calories, is always less than when burning food in a calorimeter. Since the metabolism in a living organism is not capable of absolute oxidation, the second indicator is always less than the first in a certain proportion, reflecting the efficiency of metabolism [12]. However, it should be noted that, despite the importance of this issue for athletes, to paint a full menu is often fraught with various kinds of difficulties. The fact is that the recommendations for the preparation of diets differ from each other. Diets are different. One of them, developed by nutrition experts. Others are invented by people who are not related not only to nutrition, but also to medicine in general. There is much more speculation and exaggeration in them than scientifically based recommendations. Therefore, it can be difficult for a non-specialist to understand those proposals, which are full of all kinds of scientifically unconfirmed diets.