На основі аналізу науково-методичної літератури, визначенні основні завдання психолого-педагогічного супроводу дітей з порушеннями зору в умовах інклюзивного навчання та розкривається зміст окреслених завдань. Серед завдань виділяються наступні: дотримання офтальмо-гігієнічних умов навчально-виховного процесу дітей з порушеннями зору; необхідність цілеспрямованої роботи із подолання упередженого ставлення до дитини з порушеннями зору та формування толерантного ставлення до неї; попередження і корекція вторинних відхилень у розвитку дитини з порушеннями зору.
The authors have performed the theoretical
review of the scientific literature and have discovered that the issue of
psychological and educational support for children with special educational
needs in terms of secondary schools is quite important, especially with regard to
the current reforms of the special education field in Ukraine and the need to
provide special learning conditions for this category of children within
mainstream educational settings. Based on the analysis of theoretical and
experimental studies they have identified the main task of psychological and
educational support for children with impaired vision in terms of inclusive
education. In particular, the provision of special conditions for the organisation
of learning activities; development of psychological readiness among teachers,
parents and pupils, necessary to interact with a child who has a visual
impairment; prevention and correction of the secondary developmental delays;
psychological attitude and mental set of a child with visual impairment to
overcome difficulties and achieve success in every available activity, as well as
social adaptation. Presenting the content of the defined tasks, the authors paid
their attention to the ophthalmological and hygienic requirements towards the
educational process for children with visual impairments; focused on the need to
overcome prejudice against the children with visual impairments and importance
of tolerant awareness, raised through educational activities carried by the
psychologists and special educational teachers. Particular attention within the
system of psychological and pedagogical support should be given to the
prevention and correction of secondary delays in the development of children
with visual impairments, which involves special educational intervention of the
psychologist and typhlopedagogue. Thus, the authors define the following areas
of typhlopedagogue’s responsibility in terms of inclusive education: correction
of cognitive and emotional-volitional development, support of language
development, teaching orientation and mobility, physical culture and rhythmics.
In its turn, the work of psychologist aims to: identify difficulties faced by the
children with visual impairments in learning, communication, during interactions
with teachers and peers; the development of cognitive processes, performance,
emotions and will; determine the cause of identified problems and potential in
their development and etc. The authors point out that this multidisciplinary
approach allows to identify specific ways to implement the outlined objectives of
the psychological and educational support for visually impaired children in terms
of inclusive education