Some peculiarities of organizing of methodical work with the foreign language teachers at the secondary school are determined, the phases of its realization in the pedagogical space are outlined. It is proved that methodical work in the modern conditions should be as mobile as possible, promote development of creativity, initiative of each teacher, improve quality of the educational process at the educational institution. Attention on use of the non-traditional forms of methodical work: research and experimental platforms, authors’ schools, microgroups, initiative groups, brainstorming, methodical ring, methodical session, pedagogical KVN, etc. is focused. The choice of the forms and methods of methodical work is determined by the priority purpose and tasks of the educational institution; quantitative and qualitative personnel of the teaching staff; qualitative analysis of the results of diagnostic study of the staff activity.
Мета статті – визначити особливості організації методичної роботи з
вчителями іноземної мови у середній школі та окреслити етапи її реалізації у освітньому середовищі.