У статті здійснено аналіз системи виховної роботи вітчизняних вищих навчальних закладів у 1956-1963 рр. та визначено закономірності становлення студентського самоврядування в даний період.
В статье произведен анализ системы воспитательной работы украинских высших учебных заведений в 1956-1963 гг. и определены закономерности становления студенческого самоуправления в данный период.
The article analyzes the educational system of Ukrainian universities in 1956-1963 years. We consider the activities of the trade union and Komsomol asset. Analysis of the Komsomol subject structure in higher education: Komsomol meeting of the university, Komsomol organization of the university, faculty Komsomol organization, Komsomol meetings of student groups. The system of student`s union organization, union general assembly, trade union committee, trade union meetings of student`s groups and student`s union participation in all areas of student`s life. Also highlights the work of the student`s council; peculiarities of housing and household, cult-media, health, sports commissions in student`s dormitories. The analysis of these sub structure of student`s government, student`s scientific society, art councils, student`s media, sports clubs, student`s integrated teams and student`s building groups. The role of self and socially useful work in the development of the individual student. The features of the educational work in student`s academic group. The regularities of formation of student`s government in this period.