У статті розглядається результат порівняльного аналізу можливостей розвитку професійно орієнтованої художньо-технічної творчості у закладах професійно-технічної освіти різних типів. Встановлено, що із збільшенням зайнятості в дрібносерійному та індивідуальному виробництвах виникла проблема адаптації фахівців різних профілів підготовки до нових вимог ринку. Обґрунтовано важливість розвитку професійно орієнтованої художньо-технічної творчості як важливого інструменту адаптації
The article deals with the necessity of developing professionally oriented artistic and technical creativity, which is considered as an important tool for professional adaptation on the job market. Nowadays more and more enterprises in Ukraine are shifting towards small-scale and individual production. They require from candidates a set of competences which provide flexibility in their work. Professionals often have to change their specialty. Alongside with technical and technological changes, not only spheres of economy are being transformed, but the individual is also developing, their potential is changing. They are mastering new types of activity and are forming new competences. On the one hand, the process of increasing the number of competences in various types of the professional domain enhances people’s chances of being employed. On the other hand, it creates conditions for self-realization.
The types of professions which have enough grounds for integrating these professions on the basis of artistic and technical creativity have been singled out in building, woodwork and engineering specialties. Based on the studies of developing artistic and technical creativity in vocational and technical educational institutions in different regions, three leading colleges have been selected. They were compared in terms of certain criteria: the period of the institution’s functioning, training specialty and professions, potential for artistic and technical creativity as well as its realization, characteristic features of the institution. The importance of additional professionally oriented education realized in different ways has been proved.