В статті визначено показники рівня фізичної підготовленості студенток. Встановлено, що студентки, які відвідували секцію з волейболу, значно покращили показники фізичної підготовленості. Доведено, що волейбол здійснює значний оздоровчий вплив на організм студенток.
В статье определены показатели уровня физической подготовленности студенток. Установлено, что студентки, которые посещают секцию волейбола, значительно улучшили показатели физической подготовленности. Доведено, что волейбол выполняет значительное оздоровительное влияние на организм студенток.
To determine the performance level of physical fitness of students engaged in health volleyball. Material and methods: the study involved 34 students of 1-2 courses studying at Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University, and 2 groups were formed. The first, experimental group (n = 17) – a person who visited section of volleyball during the academic year 3 times a week. The second, control group (n = 17) – a person who attended regular academic classes in physical education. Physical fitness was determined by the results of educational testing, which states the level of expressing the physical qualities of man: speeds (running for 30 m, s); agility (shuttle ran 4x9, s); speed-power (standing jump, cm); strength (bending and unbending with upper arm support, quantity; lifting the body from sitting position for 1 min., quantity); flexibility (angle body from a sitting position, cm). Quantitative data were processed by statistical methods. Results: revealed that the experimental group students who attended volleyball section during the school year with healthful purpose significantly improved all indicators of physical fitness running 30 meters – a decrease of 0,4 s (p <0,05), shuttle run 4x9 m – result improved by 0,78 pp (p> 0,05), long jump from place - the result improved by 12,2 cm (p <0,05), rise in body Sid for 1 min. – the result improved by 9,2 times (p <0,05), flexion and extension arms in emphasis lying – result increased by 5,1 times (p <0,01), torso forward from a seated position – index improved by 3 cm (p <0,05). Conclusions: physical condition, the cardiovascular system is improved, mental activity is increased, an individual's ability to withstand stress is gone up, body weight is reduced. The use of volleyball as a means of improving and maintaining health, fulfilling the role of healthy and creates a positive attitude toward physical education students.