У статті розглянута проблема сімейної депривації вихованців інтернатних закладів спортивного профілю. Подано етапи технології процесу профілактики сімейної депривації вихованців інтернатних закладів спортивного профілю, а також результати дослідження щодо ефективності технологічного забезпечення профілактики сімейної депривації вихованців інтернатних закладів спортивного профілю.
В статье рассмотрена проблема семейной депривации воспитанников интернатных заведений спортивного профиля. Подано этапы технологии процесса профилактики семейной депривации воспитанников интернатных заведений спортивного профиля, а также результаты исследования эффективности технологического обеспечения профилактики семейной депривации воспитанников интернатных заведений спортивного профиля.
In this paper the problem of family deprivation pupils of boarding schools sports profile, given the experimental research base. Solved the issue of prevention of family deprivation pupils of boarding schools sports profile. This technology presents the stages of the process of prevention of family deprivation pupils of boarding schools sports profile, as well as the results of research on the effectiveness of the process for the Prevention of deprivation of family pets boarding schools sports profile. The article analyzes the results of educational assessment indicators of deprivation of family pets boarding schools sports profile separately for each criterion: cognitive, emotional and volitional communicative. The results on the levels of deprivation indicators of family pets boarding schools sports profile for all criteria. The author defines the most effective forms of social and educational work with pupils boarding schools sports profile, for example, readers' conferences, educational hour with elements of training, therapeutic classes, evening memories of family traditions and customs, defense projects, family living room, a theatrical song contest, competition, holiday, funny, family holiday theme days. The results of teacher performance assessment of cognitive, emotional and volitional and communicative criteria that determine the distribution of levels of deprivation, family pets boarding schools sports profile before and after the experiment. Defined moments prevention of family deprivation such as isolation from family, feelings of loneliness, conflict, lack of communication with family members, inability to establish friendly contacts and maintain a positive atmosphere in the collective.