У даній роботі наведено особливості планування, структури занять та критерії оцінювання знань студентів факультету фізичного виховання напряму підготовки: «Фізичне виховання» модуля «Волейбол» навчальної дисципліни «Теорія і методика викладання спортивних ігор» за кредитно-модульною системою.
В данной работе представлены особенности планирования, структуры занятий и критерии оценки знаний студентов факультета физического воспитания направления подготовки: «Физическое воспитание» модуля «Волейбол» дисциплины «Теория и методика преподавания спортивных игр» по кредитно-модульной системе.
Purpose of the research: to determine the features of planning, structure of employments and criteria for evaluation knowledge of students of the content module "Volleyball" discipline "Theory and methods of teaching sports games" by credit-modular system. Developed program for the students of direction of preparation Physical Education* module "Volleyball" discipline "Theory and methods of teaching sports games" designed for 72 hours (including 38 classroom hours (6 - lectures and 32 - practical) and 34 hours of independent work of students ). The training material of the content module is divided for the ten topics.General theoretical foundations of course are studied at lectures. Students' individual work is carried outside academic classes. Students learn the technique of basic technical elements of volleyball and must hand over the appropriate control standards on practical lessons. The structure of practical lessons in volleyball traditionally contains three parts: preparatory, basic and final. Each of the parts of employments solves their tasks. The form of the final control of module "Volleyball" is a test that consists of the current testing (20 points), interim controls (25 points) and control testing (55 points). Thus, this system of teaching in higher education institutions provides students motivation to systematic work for a year, allows to raise the level of individual work of students, allows to realize by students knowledge and skills acquired in the learning process during passing of practice in children's camps and secondary schools, demands from teachers to design tests, examinations and assignments for independent operation of the numerical system of evaluation of each of these kinds of work.