У статті подаються актуальні проблеми підготовки фахівців у галузі фізичної культури і спорту. Зазначено,
що будь-яка наука знаходить відносну самостійність тільки з виходом на її дійсний вихідний пункт, на її реальну
предметно-змістовну основу. Тільки з того моменту і починається її дійсно системний розвиток, завдяки якому вона
передбачає прийдешні потреби та інтереси практики, знаходить і розробляє форми, засоби та технології предметної
діяльності, виявляє найбільш раціональні шляхи, визначає їх перспективи.
The article presents the actual problems of training specialists in the
field of physical culture and sports. It is noted that any science finds relative independence only with the exit to its actual starting
point, on its real substantive and substantive basis. Only from that moment begins its truly systemic development, through which it
provides for the future needs and interests of practice, finds and develops the forms, means and technologies of substantive activity,
reveals the most rational ways, defines its prospects.
The problem of organizing the content of education focuses on both didactics and pedagogy of higher education, which
defines the main criteria and methodological principles for the organization of educational work that can be successfully extrapolated
into the system of training professional staff of physical culture and sports.
Graduates of physical education colleges and physical education departments are not sufficiently trained to promote a
healthy lifestyle and are not always the examples themselves in this sense. In addition, the curricula and programs of the faculties of
physical education do not take into account the changing interests of the younger generation for different types of sports and are
focused solely on the study of the school curriculum, while normative exercises become less attractive to students in the youth field.
There is also no proper continuity in the teaching of general theoretical, biological disciplines, on the one hand, and sports and
pedagogical - on the other. Teaching of many general theoretical disciplines is constructed so that it does not give students the
applied theoretical skills and skills, and in the teaching of sports and pedagogical disciplines there is a reverse problem, when a
significant part of study hours goes to "training" and the passing of control norms without proper theoretical and methodological