Інноваційність пропонованого методу колективного аранжування полягає у новій, груповій формі викладу навчального матеріалу на заняттях з оркестрового класу, інструментального ансамблю. Ефективність методу – у створенні творчої навчально-виховної ситуації. Наголошується формування "авторської здатності" майбутнього вчителя музичного мистецтва (виступити ініціатором мистецького задуму, реалізувати його у власній творчій діяльності, зберігаючи оригінальність і виразність презентації тощо). В основу покладено ідею розвитку професійних якостей майбутнього педагога: уміння самостійно й ефективно розв’язувати проблемні ситуації, критично мислити, аналізувати, адекватно оцінювати інформацію, виявляти індивідуальний стиль викладання, розкривати власний творчий потенціал. Метод колективного аранжування пропонується впроваджувати в сучасну музично-педагогічну практику мистецьких навчальних закладів України.
Relevance of the study. Specialized arts establishments, in which the music arrangement skill is ranked among the main professional qualities (e.g. the specialties “orchestra conductor”, “choir conductor”), allocate individual and group theoretical classes. How should we solve the problem of developing this skill in the conditions of pedagogical music educational establishments which have no possibility to allocate academic hours for this course?
Literature Review. The implementing innovational courses and that of the formation of music arrangement and improvisation skills were developed by the scientist and composer Y.B. Brylin. But the methods of the art of composing developed by him are barely used in music pedagogical practice.
Results. The group music arrangement method is the method directed at the development of special musical and artistic abilities in students (on the basis of the competences related to playing musical instruments) and at the stimulation of their own productive activity.
Discussion. We regard music pedagogical practice as a process of creating an educational environment whose course requires continual updating.
Findings/Originality. The aim and the objectives of the class involving the use of the group music arrangement method are as follows: to teach students compose simple kinds of rhythmical and melodically accompaniment (harmonic pedal and figuration) to songs and dances; develop the individual improvisation skills; familiarize them with the fundamentals of instrumentation and arrangement of music material; provide them with the knowledge of the basic forms of folk and pop jazz music and the main principles of their form building.
Conclusions. Group arrangement as a creative innovation in the sphere of group music education has a huge creative potential and it appears to be multivariate situation activating creative thinking and motivational dispositions. Furthermore, is concerned, it has modern and attractive features of group trainings with a non-intrusive, comfortable psychological climate which distracts as student from the poignancy of the problematic situation and ensures a possibility of plunging into a creative task and concentrating on it. An important factor is that it has a positive influence on the professional training of a student in music.
Significance. The practical application of the new methodology in the educational process will provide new possibilities for implementing modern educational strategies in Ukraine characterized not by a consumptive direction but by a creative and thus productive one.