Креативність розглядається як здатність до творчості. Виокремлюються важливі складники означеного феномена. Важливим є зв’язок творчого процесу із самореалізацією особистості, креативність трактується як інтегральна якість педагога. Висвітлено структурні компоненти творчої навчально-професійної діяльності вчителя музичного мистецтва. Розглянуто методи та педагогічні умови активізації особистісно-професійного потенціалу студентів як майбутніх фахівців мистецької галузі. Окреслено особистісно-якісні перспективи професійної діяльності вчителя музичного-мистецтва, що ґрунтуються на оригінальності мислення, гнучкості, неповторності ідей, самоактуалізації особистості. Застосовується принцип латерального мислення як необхідний складник креативності. Обґрунтована необхідність опанування здатністю креативного мислення в структурі компетентності майбутнього вчителя музичного мистецтва.
Changes in the structure and content of education encourage teachers of different disciplines to pay more attention to creativity as an important potential that contributes to qualitative transformation, a new style of thinking. Creativity is based on the humanistic idea of cooperation as a co-developing activity of students and teachers, which is confirmed by mutual understanding, a collective analysis of the results.
The pedagogical aspects of creativity formation in teacher training were studied by Ukrainian scholars (O. Akimov, R. Gurevich, I. Zyazyun, N. Kuzmin, L. Luzin, N.Nichkalo, M.Potashnik, S.Sisoyev, G.Tarasenko and others).
The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the concept of "creativity", to substantiate the necessity of its mastering as an integral part of the professional training structure of the future teacher of musical art.
In today’s conditions, there are different approaches to the study of creativity: they are subject-procedural and reflexive, personal and productive-productive.
Significant contribution to the research of creativity made J. Gilford, highlighting a lot of intellectual abilities that characterize creativity.
From an acmeological point of view, creativity involves a monolithic unity of process, result and personality development. Creativity as a dynamically developing personality structure is characterized by a combination of peculiar abilities such as: creative potential, activity, orientation, individuality, improvisation, etc. We understand the creativity of the future teacher as an integrated quality of a teacher characterized by the ability to accumulate original, unique, innovative ideas, the creation of non-standard pedagogical situations and their own creative ways of solving them.
One of the important aspects of creativity is lateral thinking (Edward Bono), which prefers unusual methods, or which is the use of elements that are ignored by ordinary logical thinking.
The methodical aspect of the educational-developing environment is realized through active forms of education, which implement the principles of person-oriented didactics. These include: psychological and pedagogical trainings, "brainstorming", problem-emotional presentation, Socratic dialogues, dialectical disputes, situational tasks, research and educational conferences.
The study of other approaches to the classification of techniques may become the prospect of further scientific research that promote the development of professional-creative thinking and the formation of creative potential of future musical art teachers.