Розробити методику для проведення аналізу статистичних даних стосовно виконання різних способів подачі в
змаганнях з пляжного волейболу. Одержані статистичні дані під час педагогічних спостережень за виконанням подач у
25 іграх змагань пляжної ліги м. Харкова серед чоловічих аматорських команд, використовуючи запропоновану
чотирибальну шкалу відповідних оцінок. Проведено детальний аналіз виконання 2055 силових подач у стрибку та
націлених подач, в залежності від певних факторів. Розраховані розподілення цих подач відповідно системи введених
оцінок, а також в залежності від ігрових зон майданчика, який запропоновано умовно поділити на дев’ять зон.
Результати нашого дослідження показують, що найбільша кількість очок була виграна при виконанні подач, які були
спрямовані в восьму, а також в сьому та третю зони.
The technique for assessment of different ways of serves in competitive activity of volleyball players in beach
volleyball is developed on the basis of results of the detailed analysis of the relevant statistical data which were obtained in the
pedagogical observations during the games which are integrated by the only system of conditionally-coded records of these
technical and tactical game actions and mathematical processing of the acquired information. As the fixing of these statistical data is
not carried out in beach volleyball, it was offered to keep the certain protocol of the coded record of serve results by the analogy with
classical volleyball, using a four-point scale for their assessment. The corresponding estimates define the end result of a certain
game action that is connected with a win of a point after serve execution. The analysis of the obtained statistical data is carried out
concerning execution of power jump serves and aimed serves in 25 games of competitions among men's amateur teams, total
serves in which makes 2055. The calculated distributions of the recorded serves according to the system of the entered estimates
show that 18,8% of total serves were lost (serves with ball out or in the net) from them 10,3% ‒ power jump serves and 8,5% ‒
aimed; 35,3% ‒ did not complicate receiving a ball and allowed the rival to organize the corresponding attack; 38,4% ‒ destroyed a
combinational game of the rival. It should be noted that only 7,5% of serves were won right after their execution due to unsuccessful
receiving serves of the rival or hits a ball to his court ("ace"), from what 4,2% ‒ power jump serves, and 3,3% ‒ aimed. The results of
serves distribution in the ratio to their total quantity according to nine zones, on which each half of the court was divided
conditionally, are presented for more detailed analysis.