У статті розглядається проблема інтеграції музично-ритмічного виховання молодших школярів у хореографічне навчання. Інтеграція музично-ритмічного виховання являється невід’ємною складовою хореографічного навчання та
інтегрує у собі прояв музичного та хореографічного мистецтв, що в свою чергу дозволяє розвивати індивідуальні творчі
здібності майбутніх вихованців-хореографів, актуалізує їхню творчу діяльність, формує творче мислення, визначає
можливість творчої самореалізації та саморозвитку за допомогою музично-ритмічного виховання.
The article is concerned with the issue of integration of junior pupils’ music and rhythm education into choreography training.
The integration of music and rhythm education is the essential constituent of choreography training and it combines the
manifestation of both music and choreography arts, which in its turn enables to shape the prospective choreographers’ individual
artistic skills; enhances their creativity; fosters creative thinking; determinates the possibility of their artistic self-fulfilment and selfdevelopment via music and rhythm education.
The question of a child’s holistic/integral and harmonious development is one of the uppermost issues within aesthetic
education domain at junior school nowadays. As a matter of fact, today’s teacher must secure each prospective social individual not
only with profound knowledge, awareness and skills of certain school subjects and thus to develop a child within the aspect of his personal information fulfilment, but also to shape the definite proportion with the world, the ability of mutual interaction with the surroundings. In accordance with this, the teacher ought to face the great challenge of shaping the learners’ coherent vision of life phenomena, events, and the world itself.
According to the State standard of Ukrainian junior general/basic education, the field of art contains conceptual lines/models
embracing the key art types, such as: music, decorative art, choreography, the screen art. The prevalent conceptual models are music and visual arts the contents of which integrate with other conceptual elements, the synthetic arts.
One of the ways of overcoming inconsistency, non-systematicity, fragmentation in junior pupils’ grasp of school subjects,
securing coherent awareness and understanding of the education material/content is the integral focusing on school teaching and
upbringing. Within the process of integral school subjects teaching/training, art disciplines in particular, the child is able to
comprehend the essence of phenomena, notions or actions; young learners elaborate complex practical knowledge and skills
contributing to a child’s effective interaction with the surroundings.