У статті розглядається проблема підготовки майбутніх учителів до професійної консультаційної діяльності.
Зазначено, що актуальність піднятої проблеми зумовлена складними модернізаційними процесами у галузі освіти та
функціонуванням різних соціальних інституцій (сім’ї, школи, виробництва, громадських організацій і об’єднань тощо).
Обґрунтовано поняття «готовність майбутніх педагогів до професійної консультаційної діяльності» та виокремлено
головні її складові. Охарактеризовано рівні готовності майбутніх учителів до професійної консультаційної діяльності.
This article reviews an issue of preparing future teachers to professional consulting activity. It specifies that the relevance of
the raised issue is due to difficult modernization processes in education and to functioning of different social institutions (family,
school, manufacture, public organizations etc,). Institutions and organizations that provide consulting services in education to
different subjects of consulting or consumers are described. It was proved that consulting in education is a new and forward-looking direction in professional activity and scientific research. Psychological and educational literature was analyzed and the concept “A readiness of future teachers for professional consulting activity” is defined. This concept is considered as a difficult integrated theoretical education that consists in multiple components such as motivational, orientation, operational and evaluative. Each of specified components has it’s own constituting elements. The state of readiness of teachers for the activities of the consultant has four levels of activity: non-professional, pre-professional, classical professional level and masterclass level. It was noted that the readiness of future teacher to consulting activity is unleashing their potential abilities in harmonization of relations between subjects of the pedagogical process in professional activities. It was stressed that training of future consulting teachers must include pedagogical, psychological, substantive and consulting training. It is possible with in-depth study of fundamental basis of subjects, creative independent study of students and pedagogical consulting practice. It was observed that this issue is not solved and forward-looking direction for the further scientific research is to develop a criteria and a rate of readiness of future teachers to professional consulting activity.