У статті розглянуто зміст фізичного виховання студентської молоді засобами спортивно-ігрової діяльності. Із
цією метою проаналізовано можливості спортивних ігор як ефективного засобу фізичного виховання студентської
молоді. Обґрунтовано, що уміле застосування у вищих навчальних закладах спортивно-ігрової діяльності спрямованої на
реалізацію освітніх завдань, сприяє формуванню важливих особистісних якостей. Також у статті показано, що
правильне застосування ефективних педагогічних умов, змісту, форм і методів даного дослідження впливає на фізичну
вихованість студентської молоді тощо.
The article deals with the content of physical education of student youth by means of sports and gaming
activities. With this purpose, the possibilities of sports games as an effective means of physical education of student youth are
analyzed. It is substantiated that skilful application in higher educational establishments of sports-game activity aimed at the
implementation of educational tasks contributes to the formation of important personal qualities. Also, in the article it is shown that
the correct application of effective pedagogical conditions, content, forms and methods of this research influences physical education
of student youth, etc. Study of scientific literature shows that the realization of educational tasks in the process of physical education
of student youth requires the use of effective pedagogical conditions, content, forms and methods. According to many Ukrainian scientists, the use of sporting and gaming activities in higher education institutions allows teachers to rationally organize the
student's motor activity of their choice, create conditions conducive to the development of moral, physical and volitional qualities, and
so on. Therefore, an important means of physical education of student youth is sporting and gaming activity, which occupies an
important place in the system of physical education of higher educational institutions. An analysis of literary sources shows that the
skillful use of sporting and gaming activity in the process of physical education of student youth contributes to the effective solving of
educational tasks, namely: understanding the need for systematic classes in physical culture and mass work and the acquisition of
knowledge in physical culture; education of moral and volitional qualities for creative self-realization; provision of emotional and value
impact on students, aimed at forming a positive attitude to them in sports-gaming activities, joyful experiences from physical
education classes; awareness of the students of physical culture as a component of life, understanding of their significance in sports
and gaming activities; formation of students' ability to self-control, self-control and self-activity in the process of sports-game activity,