У статті розкривається поняття «інформаційно-комунікативні технології» (ІКТ).
Виокремлюються їх специфічні риси, здійснено їх класифікацію. Проаналізовано роль новітніх інформаційно-комунікативних технологій в умовах трансформації всіх сфер суспільного життя та домінування процесу інформатизації. Окреслено специфіку застосування і перспективи подальшого розвитку новітніх ІКТ.
There are two main issues within this topic. The first is to interpret the notion of
«information and communication technologies». The other one is in their classification, since the
criterion for the delineation of certain groups depends on the breadth and objectivity of the
interpretation. In the framework of this study, the political approach will be based on the basis, that
is, consideration of certain problems will take place through the prism of political sciences. It should be noted that there is also a problem with the use of the terms «communicative»
and «communication». In the context of this issue, they are often perceived as synonymous. It
should be understood that this is not the case at all, since the «communicative» is an adjective that
relates to information, and «communication» - means of communication (not only information
channels, but roads, railways, etc.). Therefore, it is more appropriate to use the «information and
communication technology» option, as one that most closely matches the essence of the problem
under investigation.
It is also worth noting that this article is not exhaustive. Perspective is the outline of
concrete manifestations of the use of one or another of the contemporary information and
communication technology, the deepening of the proposed classification, as well as consideration of
the specific application of this or that context.