У статті аргументовано значення формування здоров’язберігаючої компетентності майбутнього викладача
фізичного виховання, розкрито змістове наповнення поняття «компетентність», «здоров’язберігаюча
компетентність», окреслено структурні компоненти та визначено основні показники її сформованості. Обґрунтовано
особливості формування здоров’язберігаючої компетентності майбутнього викладача фізичної культури у процесі
здійснення туристичної діяльності.
The article considers the importance of forming a health-preserving competence of the future
teacher of physical education. The article develops the idea and definition of the main structural components, the main criteria of the
health-preserving competences of the future university professors of physical education. The concepts of «competence», «healthpreserving
competence» of professional development of university teachers have been analyzed. The indicators of the formation of
health preserving competence of the teacher of physical education are: the idea of health, healthy lifestyle, healthforming factors;
understanding of health as the highest value; the ability to track and record positive and negative changes in the state of both their
own and the health of others, to form an effective program for the preservation and rehabilitation of participants in the educational
process; possession of ways to organize and implement activities on prevention and healthcare.
Current approaches, activities in the formation of health-preserving competences of university teachers and efficiency of
their use in education have been studied in the article. Special attention has been put into the formation of health-preserving
competence among university teachers by means of tourism activity.
Tourism is a form of active recreation, which is combined with active knowledge of the surrounding world. Tourist activity
carries out recreational, educational and communicative functions, is an important means for health preservation of the person.
Touring students, who regularly engaged in a particular sport, helps to eliminate the undesirable consequences of human
adaptation to physical activity.