Визначено стан дослідженості освіти впродовж життя в Україні. Встановлено необхідність забезпечення умов
для освіти впродовж життя як цілісного неперервного процесу. Даний процес передбачає не тільки навчання у вищих
навчальних закладах як формальну освіту, а й самоосвіту та подальше самовдосконалення у формі неформальної та
інформальної освіти. Охарактеризовано тезаурус дослідження обраної теми. Дано визначення понять освіта впродовж
життя, освіта дорослих, формальна освіта, неформальна освіта, інформальна освіта, фізкультурна освіта.
Встановлено, що концепція навчання впродовж життя передбачає необхідність і можливість здобування на
кожному життєвому етапі тих блоків інформації, які необхідні людині для підтримки своєї активної життєдіяльності та
The state of life-long education study in Ukraine is determined. The necessity of life-long education
conditions provision is established as an integral continuous process. This process involves not only studying in higher education
institutions as formal education, but also self-education and further self-improvement in the form of non-formal and informal
education. A thesaurus of the chosen topic is described. The definitions of concepts of life-long education, adult education, formal
education, non-formal education, informal education, physical education were given. Life-long education is defined as the continuous process of acquiring knowledge, professional and personal competencies
development, which is carried out through various forms of education and self-education, and ensures the possibility of selfrealization
of the individual in different age periods. There was noted that UNESCO had decided to recognize continuing education
as the main concept for education innovations or reforms in all countries all over the world.
It is noted that formal education is conducted in an organized and hierarchically structured context, culminating in the
issuance of a generally recognized diploma or certificate, has a certain length of time and is based on a state curriculum organized
by formal, mostly registered, organizations.
It has been established that non-formal education often occurs outside of a special educational space: in educational
institutions or public organizations, clubs, hubs, during individual lessons with a tutor or trainer. Non-formal education is purposeful
and systematic, but usually not accompanied by the issuance of confirmation.
It is determined that informal education is an individual cognitive activity that accompanies everyday life and is not
necessarily purposeful. This is spontaneous education, which is realized at the expense of personal activity of people in a rich
cultural and educational environment.
Physical education that is an educational process of values and knowledge system forming in the field of physical culture
as well as motor skills and habits and mastering the methods of their independent study and usage during lifetime.
It is established that the concept of life-long learning implies the necessity and opportunity to acquire at each life stage
those blocks of information that are necessary for a person to support his active life and self-realization.