В статті розкрито сучасний стан фізичного здоров’я учнівської молоді. Визначено організаційно-педагогічні
умови ефективності уроків фізичної культури школярів середніх класів, які за станом здоров’я належать до спеціальної
медичної групи.
The article reveals the current state of physical health of young
students. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of physical education lessons for schoolchildren in the
middle classes are determined, which, for health reasons, belong to a special medical group.
The process of differentiated training of physical exercises of primary school students with disabilities in the state of health
of physical education lessons includes a number of objective factors interrelated. The effectiveness of its implementation depends on
the pedagogical goals, the settings for the final result, the qualitative content, scientific and methodological and logistical support of
the educational process, the rational organization of the activity of the teacher and the student, their interaction on the basis of
didactic and social principles, the use of means and methods of physical education from taking into account motor contraindications,
individual-typological features of psychophysical development of schoolchildren.
Thus, the effectiveness of physical education lessons of middle school students, who, due to their health, belong to a
special medical group, is provided by a number of organizational and pedagogical conditions.
Scientific study of the issue of the effectiveness of physical education classes for primary school students with deviations in
the state of health implies a comprehensive implementation of educational, health and educational tasks on the basis of providing a
number of organizational and pedagogical conditions.
Under the organizational and pedagogical conditions, we understand the necessary and sufficient circumstances, on which
the effectiveness of the lessons of physical education of the students of the main school of a special medical group depends. The
realization of the tasks of physical education of students with impaired health is carried out taking into account three groups of