Розглянуто питання формування рухової компетенції у студентів ВНЗ у їхньому фізичному вихованні. Виявлено
ключові аспекти формування таких компетенцій та чинники, що забезпечують успішність цього процесу. Визначено, що
оволодіння студентами здоров’язберігаючими компетенціями в процесі фізичного виховання є заданою нормою фізичної
підготовки. Зясовано, що результатом формування здоров’язберігаючих компетенцій у студентів є збереження
здоров'я, підтримка професійної працездатності при оптимальному функціонуванні систем організму.
The questions of the formation of health-saving competence among university students in their physical
education is considered.
The task of the work – the identify the aspects of the formation of health-saving competencies among of university students
in the process of their physical education. Methods of research: theoretical analysis, systematization, comparison, generalization of
data of scientific-methodical and special literature, general-scientific methods of the theoretical level: analogy, analysis, synthesis,
abstraction, induction and sociological (questionnaires).
That the definition of "health-saving competence" is considered as an integrated concept of the totality of theoretical
knowledge, skills, value orientations, correct implementation of the individual motor need through various forms and means of
physical culture, which promotes support and strengthening of health іt was founded in. The key aspects of the formation of such
competencies and the factors ensuring the success of this process are identified. Тo organize effective work on its education only
with the account of certain determinants influencing this process is possible. They by the presence of stimulatory, target,
orientational, functional, control and evaluation components are determined. All identified components in the structure of overall
healthcare-retaining competence of students are closely interlinked That mastering students with health-saving competences in the
process of physical education is, first of all, a given norm of physical training it is determined. The result of the formation of healthsaving
competencies among students is the preservation of health, the support of professional work capacity with the optimal
functioning of the body systems it was found out.