У статті розглядаються питання комплексного розвитку фізичних (рухових) якостей і функціонального стану
організму студенток вузу на заняттях фізичної культури, які проводяться з використанням різних засобів гімнастики.
In the article are regarded questions of complex development of physical (motion) qualities and functional condition of the
organism of students of a higher education institution at physical training lessons held with various means of gymnastics. .The
analysis of references on the considered problem is presented in the article- data of questionnaire of students on spending their free
time doing sports and recreational activity are presented- definition of their physical activity is provided. Discrepancy of capacity of
physical activity of students to their physiological requirements is revealed.
According to research, the annual increase in prevalence among students, reducing their motor activity, the level of
physical fitness and health actualize the question of physical education students, who often formed a negative attitude towards
physical exercise.
Effective forms of agitation and propaganda of involvement of students in sports and recreational activity have been
investigated. The most attractive forms of occupations are defined. The recommended motive mode for students is set.
Results of opinion research of the faculty members in the field of physical culture concerning the organization of sports and
recreational activity of students are presented.
The motor activity of students does not meet the physiological needs (limited to physical training). In drawing up the
program of studies must take into account the tendency of students to different types of sports and recreational activities (individual
classes, sport clubs, weekend hikes, motor activity when visiting discos, morning hygienic gymnastics).
It is necessary to enhance the role of sports clubs in the organization of sports and recreational activities (holding Olympics
in stages, carrying out monthly weekend hiking and so on.)