У статті наводиться авторська програма силового тренування штовхальників ядра, які перебувають на етапі
спеціалізованої базової підготовки. Представлені блоки вправ, застосування яких сприяє підвищенню рівня абсолютної сили
та результату штовхання ядра. Наведені рекомендації із застосування програми силового тренування у підготовці
штовхальників ядра.
The article discusses a program of strength training for the shot-putters at the stage of specialized basic
preparation. Presented are blocks of exercises, application which will increase the level of absolute force and result in shot-put.
The research was attended by 12 shot putters 15-17 years who were at the stage of specialized basic training. In article used
the following methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific and technical literature, methods of mathematical statistics.
Experimental program of strength training consisted of three blocks
The first block was used to influence the performance of the technical preparedness shot-putters. The second block was
applied for improve the indicators of external-ballistics of flight of the nucleus. The third block included comprehensive direction.
Exercises influenced as to the parameters of the technical preparedness shot-putters and on the external ballistic performance.
Application of the developed program of strength training led to an authentic increase of results indicators level of absolute
strength P < 0,05-0,01.
The impact of the blocks of strength training on the level of the absolute strength of the muscles of the chest and arms is
21,83%, on the level of absolute muscle strength of trunk flexors 26,17%, on the level of absolute muscle strength of trunk extensor
18,56%, on the level of the absolute strength of the muscles of the legs 13,96%, on the comprehensive level of absolute strength 1,78%.