Стаття присвячена узагальненню та систематизації даних, накопичених щодо педагогічного контролю рухових
навичок учнів середнього шкільного віку. Окреслено основні положення та функції системи контролю, а також проблеми, які
склалися в сучасних умовах щодо оцінювання та педагогічного контролю у фізичному вихованні школярів та шляхи їх вирішення. Обґрунтовано загальні основи та критерії системи оцінювання, методи оцінки фізичного розвитку, фізичної
підготовленості, рівня сформованості рухових навичок учнів середнього шкільного віку.
The article is devoted to generalization and systematization of data accumulated on pedagogical control of motor abilities
of secondary school age children. The analysis of scientific literature showed the importance of pedagogical control to improve managing
efficiency of physical education process at school. The basic terms and functions of control were outlined. There were identified the
problems of evaluating and pedagogical control in physical education of schoolchildren that have developed in nowadays. Among them
are imperfect system of testing physical fitness of children, low interest of pupils in physical education, negative attitude of parents to test
indicators of physical fitness of schoolchildren, as well as negative emotions of pupils (especially with low- and middle-readiness) caused
by testing, as a result are decreasing the desire to do physical exercises and deterioration of health etc. The experts suggest to repair
the traditional communication of family and school, review testing system, increase the motivation to exercise, use differentiated
approach etc to solve the problems that have developed.
The general principles and criterias for the evaluation system were substantiated, there were identified evaluation methods of
physical development, physical fitness and motor skills formation of secondary school age children. There are a lot of methods that have
been using to evaluate the physical development of children. The most available in the pedagogical process are: visual, anthropometric,
tables method, indexes method, methods for assessing biological age etc. The level of physical fitness of schoolchildren is investigated
by motor tests.