У статті відображено особливості використання в процесі фізичного виховання студентів спеціальної медичної групи
системи Табата та йоги як засобів здоров’язбереження та спонукання до здорового способу життя. Аналізуючи результати
педагогічних спостережень, робляться висновки та надаються рекомендації з приводу використання йоги та системи Табата
як в навчально-виховному процесі, так і у самостійних заняттях з урахуванням індивідуальних фізіологічних можливостей
В статье отображены особенности использования в процессе физического воспитания студентов специальной
медицинской группы системы Табата и йоги как средств здоровьесохранения и побуждения к здоровому образу жизни.
Анализируя результаты педагогических наблюдений, делаются выводы и даются рекомендации по поводу использования йоги
и системы Табата как в учебно-воспитательном процессе, так и в самостоятельных занятиях с учетом индивидуальных
физиологических особенностей студентов.
This article contains material about specifics of non-traditional fitness practising and is intended to become a hint for students of pedagogical specialities of <NPU ...>. Can be applied for individual purposes as well as guide for future mentoring
work. There were used Tabata system and yoga in a process of physical education for students, attending medical group with special needs.
Tabata system and yoga were chosen by intent, as they provide effective and modern way for students to keep fit and healthy while
practising professional skills. Complex analysis of pedagogical observations is taken, that includes student’s questionnaire forms processing
(by usage of Ph.D. Dubogai’s methods), Analysis results are summarized and categorized. Also, conclusions and recommendations about
yoga and Tabata system practical usage in structured and well-identified manner are given. The article emphasizes physiological and
psychological special features of students who attend medical group with special needs in process of choosing type of fitness. Special
recommendations about workload time and exercises used also take place here. Recommendations are divided by taking into account such
criterias as individual specifics, breath control, heart rate control, self-control. and stopwatch usage for Tabata system lessons.
The aim of research was to make full analysis of non-traditional fitness methods integration into the process of physical education
for students, attending medical group with special needs. By non-traditional fitness methods we mean yoga and Tabata system.
Theoretical justification for Tabata system usage in educational process.
As a result of non-traditional fitness methods integration into the process of physical education for students who attend medical
group with special needs, we found out that yoga and Tabata system usage caused such positive changes:
- changes in figure;
- increase of functional indicators;
- changes in atitude to the sports and recreation activity;
- ststrong interest in physical culture has been formed;
- self-confidence level increase;
- lessons attendancy rate is constantly high.
Integration of mentioned forms of lessons gives a hope to change society attitude towards sports and recreation activities.